jeudi 27 août 2020

Reading a File in Plain Javascript (not! in node.js)

Reading a file in node.js is fairly easy and code to do it is easy to get by on the web. But doing it on the browser in a modern way, with async/await and returning an actual result, is not so much. Most of the time, you get only a console.logout() and that's it!

So I'm giving here a complete example of a readFile function that returns the contents of a local file. I have not found a way to get a file other than through an input of type "file" in the html page. It could have got some uses, but one must do without it!

It's also a nice and complete example of how to build a simple async function with a promise you build inside with something other than a timeout. All the best if it helps someone somewhere especially if this is you!

  // returns the content of a file as text
  const readFile = async (file) => {
    const prom = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const frd = new FileReader();
      frd.onload = (evt) => {
    const text = await prom;
    return text;
  // and here is a simple demo, to put soewhere in your code
  // somewhere in your html:  <input type="file" id="file"/>
  document.getElementById("file").addEventListener("change", see);
  async function see(event) {
    const file =[0];
    if (file) {
      const contents = await readFile(file);
      const escapeHTML = (str) => new Option(str).innerHTML;
      const sanitized = escapeHTML(contents);
      console.log("sanitized", sanitized);'afterend',

And you can test it below!!!

Choose a File:

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